
Showing posts from January, 2024

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Not all heroes wear capes. Some offer well timed, much needed words of kindness. Some make calm small talk with you in the Target checkout line when you clearly need some encouragement. ^^all while offering your screaming toddler a judgement free sticker in the same exchange. Some make your coffee and deliver it with actual, genuine warmth. Some care for your child before, during, or after school. ^^or your parent, or your pets when you are in need of a helping hand. Some (literally) pick your elderly parent off the floor (or ground!) when you are unable to lift them. Some administer life saving drugs or other life saving techniques when a loved one is faced with serious illness or even death. Some pick up litter and leave this world better than when they found it. Some coach you off of whatever addiction you may be using to numb the challenges of this world and your spirits tenderness. Some take in abandoned animals. Some offer practical, albeit unexpected words of wi

So THIS Just Happened...meditation post pt. 2

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it... As I mentioned before, I am still reasonably new to meditation. I am learning the “ins and outs” and figuring out that what I thought to be the case as far as what meditation “IS” (universally) compared to what meditation “IS” for ME. If that makes sense? At this point, I am a few months into the practice and have already had some incredibly life altering experiences. Meditation opened the gateway to my mid life review (intense! But not at all scary or threatening) and it’s provided me with insight i didn’t even know I was looking for. In typical Tina fashion, I crave the mountain top experiences. I’m sure we all do. And with that in mind, I feel it necessary that my meditation sessions seemed pretty straightforward (for the most part) up to this point. I do most of my meditation prior to bedtime. It helps me to unwind from the day and prepare for some actual rest. I lay in bed in the quiet darkness, breathing in deeply, feeling