So THIS Just Happened...meditation post pt. 2

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it...
As I mentioned before, I am still reasonably new to meditation. I am learning the “ins and outs” and figuring out that what I thought to be the case as far as what meditation “IS” (universally) compared to what meditation “IS” for ME. If that makes sense? At this point, I am a few months into the practice and have already had some incredibly life altering experiences. Meditation opened the gateway to my mid life review (intense! But not at all scary or threatening) and it’s provided me with insight i didn’t even know I was looking for.
In typical Tina fashion, I crave the mountain top experiences. I’m sure we all do. And with that in mind, I feel it necessary that my meditation sessions seemed pretty straightforward (for the most part) up to this point. I do most of my meditation prior to bedtime. It helps me to unwind from the day and prepare for some actual rest. I lay in bed in the quiet darkness, breathing in deeply, feeling the familiar spiral of my third eye, and connecting to all that is. With my eyes closed, there’s a quiet relaxation and understanding that comes over my whole being...and then I fall sleep. Win/win.
However, this particular night, not so much. I will do my best to put the experience into words.
As I was preparing for what I expected to be my typical universal connection, something happened. Instead of the familiar third eye spiral I’ve come to expect and to associate with universal connection, there was an INTENSE pressure/vacuuming sensation! It literally felt someone had placed a gigantic HOOVER VACUUM HOSE to my forehead and put the darn thing on HIGH SUCTION. My eyes were not gently closed as per my usual stance. Instead they were forced shut due to the pressure I was experiencing. Tears were escaping down the corners of my eyes and I could not move. Why? because EVERY CELL IN MY BODY WAS ON FULL ALERT. The vacuuming sensation I was experiencing in my third eye had taken over my entire body and it literally felt as though my SPIRIT was being forcibly sucked out of my body. Every hair was raised. EVERY. I likened it to the scene in Jumangi which shows the movie’s characters being forcibly sucked into the video game...THAT’S WHAT I WAS FEELING! I had no idea what was happening. NONE. I could still hear my little guy snoring next to me, so I knew I was awake. BUT I finally thought that maybe my spirit was trying to raise out of my body. And let me tell you, I was too afraid to let it do so. I was too afraid to leave my son. I could not do it. I pulled back forcibly and realized I had some control. The sensations were intense, the words I am using do it no justice, but it’s what happened. After what seemed like a lifetime, I forced my eyes open and it all simply faded away. There I was, in the darkness of my room, but I was WIDE AWAKE and completely startled. At this point, I knew something huge had happened but I had no firm answer as yo what...yet. However, I could tell just by intuition that the training wheels had fallen off of my meditation practice. This was real, this was intense, and this was totally uncharted territory for me or for anyone else I’ve consulted (for that matter.)
And here we are.
And that’s where I’ll leave it for today.
The stories just get more “out of this world” from here. So, thank you for reading along.
Sending light, love, and peace to all!
XOXO! Tina


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