I’m PROUD of YOU! Yes...YOU!

You know what I’m proud of? I’m proud that through every disappointment, every frustration, every roadblock, every lesson, you have SHOWN UP! Not only have you shown up, you continue to SHOW UP. You have been hurt, you’ve been frustrated, you’ve been humiliated and yet here you are. You are still standing. You are still participating. You are still here. And that says something. You are a warrior. 
Most equate bravery with some sort of overt heroism— running into a burning building, or standing up against tyranny or something. While YES, those actions are a type of bravery, the truest form of bravery, the truest way to be BRAVE is to show up and BE YOURSELF. Be your authentic, messy, hurt, imperfect self. You want honest to goodness down home bravery? Be unapologetically you. Now THAT’S bravery. 
Bravado is one thing. Being the physically strongest or the physically loudest in the room was once and still is equated with being powerful. But that is all noise. It is all performance. And it is performance that stems out of the innate fears we ALL share of simply not being good enough. Not being worthy. Not being loveable. Not being OK. :(
So, you want to be brave? You want to be powerful? You want to be recognized, seen, and heard? Show up. Be you. Without apology. Show the rest of the world how it’s done. Your bravery will gIve those around you permission to do the same. Now THAT’S power. THAT’S brave.  And THAT’S your gift. You are GLORIOUS, and I am proud of you. 
Time to  let the rest of the world see. Xoxo, Tina


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