Philippians 1:6- or Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming...

Also known as:
WOW! LIFE is freaking hard!

Like you, I exist in this complicated state of being— somewhere in between moments of incredible blissful enlightenment and the incredibly frustrated, toe tapping impatient ego filled human waiting for the universe to act. My personal state of being can vary depending on anything from the time of day to the situation of my immediate circumstances and how I am appropriately (or otherwise) coping. While I would love to share that I handle every challenge with spirit-filled grace and ease, that’s simply not the case. Let’s be real. I am an overworked, overcommitted, middle-aged single mother who is doing her best to balance the obligations of this physical world with the calling placed on her by spirit. It’s not always smooth and easy going. In fact it rarely is. And there are absolutely times when I wish I could give up...or at least sit down...or take a break, or a nap, or a drink...but I digress.  ;)
Here’s the reality of this world and the lesson I remind myself of constantly:
Life isn’t easy and it’s not supposed to be. There is no reason to assume our “classroom” (this physical realm) should be an existence devoid of challenges and frustrations. Life is “hard” because we are here to grow, to learn, and to expand. That growth cannot happen in a vacuum devoid of challenges, existential or otherwise.
Let’s consider the natural world.  Animals must work to survive in hostile natural environments where EVERYTHING is fighting for survival.  There is balance and equilibrium, external forces working against success, and it is not easy.  Hungry? Time to hunt! It’s time to stalk the herd of gazelle down near the watering hole. The lion does not question whether it will be successful at the hunt, the lion does not lament that hunting is hard and time consuming, and energy draining, the lion does not wish there was an easier way to supply what its instincts are craving, it simply acts. Most importantly, the lion does not carry with it the burden of the last time it hunted (successfully or otherwise) causing it to doubt its own ability to survive.  It simply hunts.
^^^And that’s where the true lesson lies; because let’s be real: not every “hunt” is successful— for the lion or for us. Sometimes the herd takes off and the lion misses out. Sometimes the lion runs really fast, works really hard, does everything right and the herd still gets away. Sometimes the lion just fails. When this happens, what does the creature do? It may sit and rest. It may take a moment to recollect its thoughts and energy, it may recalculate its plan and notice there are some yummy zebras not too far away, but what it absolutely does NOT do is GIVE UP. It does not sit down and say, “Welp, this is too hard. I can’t do this. Why does nothing work out for me? I am just going to sit  here and feel sorry about my lot it life and give up. Why do bad things always happen to MEEEEEEEE?!” ;)
Nope. That’s never happened. Why? Because that’s not the way this physical world works- for animals or for us; and if animals “get” it, then why can’t we as humans? We get so worked up over the world’s resources. We will oftentimes strive for something  just to decide to sit down and give up when the going for it gets a little rough. We stop working towards our goals with the tiniest of setbacks. We assume it must not be for  us. It’s too hard. “I can’t do it. I give up. Things never work out for me. ” Well I am here to tell you NO! You have it all wrong. You may have missed out on that particular gazelle but there’s another herd down at the watering hole. Take a moment to regroup. Collect your energy. Collect your thoughts. Re-strategize.  And get out there and get back to work. No one likes the challenges and hurdles that come into play in this physical life. They are there to teach us our spiritual lessons.  You are tired and hungry and you may have failed at this one piece of your mission, but I assure you that you are MORE than capable of “doing this. “ You are more than capable of thriving.
Waiting on SPIRIT to manifest when you feel as though you are checking off all the boxes is very  frustrating. Life is hard at times and it is tempting to simply want to give up right when you are (presumably) so close to a break through. No one likes challenging times. No one likes when things don’t work out immediately.  But you mustn’t give up.
It may take an insane amount of energy but it will be worth it. Keep pressing on and thanks for reading. XOXO! Tina 


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