Telling Fear to F*CK OFF!

I am the first to admit that I have some anxiety about this incredible state of being. On any given day, I vacillate between being fully and completely in the flow of the universe to being terrified, overwhelmed, frustrated and lonely.  These complicated emotions exist within a very complicated person, existing within a very complicated world system. Fear is gut wrenching, persuasive, and downright overpowering sometimes. I know this from my own experience and I would guess that I am not the only one who daily experiences FEAR in such an intensely visceral way.
So how does one (me!) who purports to be in the SPIRITUAL flow daily, who actively, ACTUALLY experiences SPIRIT in incredibly tangible ways, who has proof of not only the DIVINE but of SELF DIVINITY (yours and mine!) live in such a varied state of simultaneous “enlightenment” and fear, and more importantly, why?
I don’t want to bore you with too much brain research, but here is what I’ve learned from a handful of masters degree classes as well as from my own anecdotal experience.  Psychologically or physiologically, we as a species evolved to identify the “threat” within our environment. We had to be able to recognize the threat of being eaten by a sabre-toothed tiger in order to physically survive. The better (as a species) we became at identifying environmental threats, the better we survived.  The more threats we perceived, the more threats we avoided.  So basically put, our human brains evolved to become hardwired to identify the threat to our safety, be the threat perceived or real. Think about it, while there are no longer sabre-toothed tigers roaming freely, our physical bodies are perceiving and noticing threats, be they real or imagined, that may (or may not!) be an actual threat to our physical survival. All in the name of keep us “safe” from an evolutionary standpoint. And therein lies the rub. I think we’ be learned our survival lessons a bit TOO well.
While we are no longer in danger of being eaten by some prehistoric beast, our physical bodies are warning us of dangers around every corner—all thanks to evolution and our innate desire for biological survival. Obviously, sometimes these dangers are real, sometimes they are not. To complicate matters, whether we realize it or not, we as humans are also synthesizing (reconciling?) the years of verbal, psychological,  and physical trauma of our current lifetime with the trauma, lessons, and experiences of countless other lifetimes.  It is no wonder we are such messes.
So what? While I can only speak for myself and my anecdotal experiences of the people with whom I’ve come into contact, it is my belief that every person’s fear can be boiled down to two things: biological survival (our physical fear of dying— thanks evolution!) and “do I matter?” (our spiritual fear of am I good enough/what’s the point of all of this?).  EVERYTHING boils down to these to things. Hence identifying these two things and dealing with them head on is the only way to heal and move through them.
If you’ve ever been to counseling, you’ve probably played the “worst case scenario” game (for lack of a better term) in which the counselor asks the patient: “What are you most afraid of?” The patient answers and then in response to that answer the counselor asks “And then what’s the worst that happens?”  The patient responds and then the counselor again asks “OK, and then what’s the worst that could happen?” To which the patient responds and the cycle keeps up until ultimately the patient identifies they are basically afraid of dying (physical death and pain,) and they are afraid of being not good enough (A FRAUD! An IMPOSTER!). That’s it. Our biggest human fears.
But what if I told you our fears were unfounded. What if I told you you could end the cycle of fear and anxiety right now? What if you no longer had to live in fear being held hostage to your thoughts of worthlessness? Let’s be real— we all know that yes, our physical bodies will one day cease to exist but YOU, who and what you actually ARE, are in absolutely no danger of dying. I do not Pretend to be a master spiritual teacher, but what  I DO know for sure is that you are ETERAL. You are LIGHT. You are LOVE manifest. You are MAGIC and CREATION and EVERYTHING good in this universe (and beyond for that matter!). And nothing can change or destroy that. PERIOD.
To that end, while no one relishes the act of physically dying, what if I told you that you’ve done it COUNTLESS times prior to this lifetime and you will continue to experience the passing out of a body countless times more.  What if I told you that once you were out of body and returned to spiritual status that EVERYTHING you’ve ever feared or worried about in physical would cease to be an issue. Why? because once you leave this body you are reconnected with all that IS and all that YOU ARE. No fear. No pain. Just love, acceptance, and understanding.
It is time to tell your fear to F*CK OFF! That’s what I’ve taken to doing and it’s working beautifully. Every time fear arises, take a deep breath and remind yourself that it either your biological, evolutionary mind getting in the way or it is the absolutely untrue idea that somehow you are not good enough and are not eternal.
Your fear is lying to you. You are worthy. You are eternal. You are more than enough. This I know for sure. Because after all, only LOVE (YOU) is real.  Thanks for reading. XOXOX! Tina


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