
Showing posts from October, 2019

I’m PROUD of YOU! Yes...YOU!

You know what I’m proud of? I’m proud that through every disappointment, every frustration, every roadblock, every lesson, you have SHOWN UP! Not only have you shown up, you continue to SHOW UP. You have been hurt, you’ve been frustrated, you’ve been humiliated and yet here you are. You are still standing. You are still participating. You are still here. And that says something. You are a warrior.  Most equate bravery with some sort of overt heroism— running into a burning building, or standing up against tyranny or something. While YES, those actions are a type of bravery, the truest form of bravery, the truest way to be BRAVE is to show up and BE YOURSELF. Be your authentic, messy, hurt, imperfect self. You want honest to goodness down home bravery? Be unapologetically you. Now THAT’S bravery.  Bravado is one thing. Being the physically strongest or the physically loudest in the room was once and still is equated with being powerful. But that is all noise. It is all perfor

So THIS happened...Meditation thoughts pt.1

Meditation- I have never once considered myself to be a person for whom meditation would “work.” My reasonings were simple: -My brain is too active. -I cannot sit still.  -I get bored. These are just a few of the reasonings I gave. Heck. I had tried it a handful of times over the past 20 years so I figured I knew it what I was talking about. It simply wasn’t for me. Now don’t get me wrong, I really wanted to meditate. I really wanted to be someone who was able to let go and focus on breathing, perhaps meeting my divine self in a state of calm bliss. LOL! But yeah. No. :( Couple that with the fact that the one time I successfully meditated was probably 15-20 years ago and I opened myself up to some sort of spirit attack— (I am not making this up, believe me. It was TERRIFYING and I didn’t even know it was possible!!), I have always had this complicated relationship with meditation. Fast forward to spring/summer 2019. Life has been going really quite well. I am content and b

Philippians 1:6- or Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming...

Also known as: WOW! LIFE is freaking hard! Like you, I exist in this complicated state of being— somewhere in between moments of incredible blissful enlightenment and the incredibly frustrated, toe tapping impatient ego filled human waiting for the universe to act. My personal state of being can vary depending on anything from the time of day to the situation of my immediate circumstances and how I am appropriately (or otherwise) coping. While I would love to share that I handle every challenge with spirit-filled grace and ease, that’s simply not the case. Let’s be real. I am an overworked, overcommitted, middle-aged single mother who is doing her best to balance the obligations of this physical world with the calling placed on her by spirit. It’s not always smooth and easy going. In fact it rarely is. And there are absolutely times when I wish I could give up...or at least sit down...or take a break, or a nap, or a drink...but I digress.  ;) Here’s the reality of this worl

Telling Fear to F*CK OFF!

I am the first to admit that I have some anxiety about this incredible state of being. On any given day, I vacillate between being fully and completely in the flow of the universe to being terrified, overwhelmed, frustrated and lonely.  These complicated emotions exist within a very complicated person, existing within a very complicated world system. Fear is gut wrenching, persuasive, and downright overpowering sometimes. I know this from my own experience and I would guess that I am not the only one who daily experiences FEAR in such an intensely visceral way. So how does one (me!) who purports to be in the SPIRITUAL flow daily, who actively, ACTUALLY experiences SPIRIT in incredibly tangible ways, who has proof of not only the DIVINE but of SELF DIVINITY (yours and mine!) live in such a varied state of simultaneous “enlightenment” and fear, and more importantly, why? I don’t want to bore you with too much brain research, but here is what I’ve learned from a handful of masters

Sending LOVE into the world

I have the world’s most beautiful 5 year old son.  He truly is (although I admit my bias.) ;) I struggle because I want to keep my son as innocent as I can for as long as I can. I want to shield him from all the ugliness of the world and protect his very tender heart from unnecessary breaking. I want to keep him safe. I want to keep him protected. I want to keep him mine.  However, as he is getting older, I am seeing how his incredibly loving heart is needed by the world, and I am continually humbled by how quickly he is willing (and able!) to share his loving heart with someone, ANYone who may need it. Allow me to explain: Monday evening, my 5 yo son went into the bathroom supply drawer, took out the box of Bubble Guppie bandaids, and took out a bandaid. He proceeded to unwrap the outer wrapper of the bandaid and then set the bandaid (adhesives still intact)  on the counter, picture side up. I asked him what he was doing and he informed me he was bringing this bandaid to school T

25 Things to Do When You Discover You Only Have 25 Years Left to Live

What to do when you find out you only have 25 years to live: Step 1: Sort out whether you are completely nuts. :)  2: Realize you are NOT completely nuts and that the spiritual awakening you are experiencing has not left you fearful; rather you are joyful and ready to live your calling. 3: Start contemplating what you really want life to look like. 4:  Realize there are no ordinary moments. 5: Wonder why you spent so much time doing things out of obligation.  6: Look for the lesson. :)  6b: Look for your impact. 6c: Adjust accordingly. ;)  7: Notice the sound of the birds. 8: Enjoy train whistles. 9: That first sip of coffee, though. <3 10: Realize that fear is irrational. 11: Relook at your entire life... 12: Find joy in the mundane. 13: Meditate. 14: Talk to GOD. 15: Talk to animals. 16: Talk to SPIRIT. 17: Talk to yourself. :)  18: Type out new lists. 19: Read old ones. 20: Consider every single way you can make a positive impac

Only LOVE is real (or what to do when you find you only have 25 years left to live)

    So I’ve done the test and have found out I have nothing of importance to say when I try to make it all about me. My ego speaks up and my own wisdom falls short.    It’s so odd. But as soon as I meditate or pray or take a deep breath and ask for answers I feel the familiar spiral from my third eye (I call it my antennae) and then the words start flowing. I have no idea if this will prove helpful to anyone but that’s not the point. The message I received was painfully clear: I have limited time to complete my “mission,” my task that I was sent here to accomplish. It’s time to get that started. Again. ;)  So here are my thoughts as of this morning. Saturday, September 14, 2019. I have been on yet another spiritual awakening. The catalyst is unimportant but long story short, a series of events has once again reawakened my soul and reminded me of my true identity In any event I have started meditating. I am not experiencing what I would have expected meditation to be through